UCLA alumna creates pop-up ice cream shop featuring Filipino flavors

A very heartfelt thank you to Kaitlyn Peterson, a talented student writing contributor to UCLA’s Daily Bruin. She managed to capture the earlier stages of our development and include the people that have influenced us (both family and mentors).

Here is an excerpt <3 Please click below to the article in its entirety!



She [Christy Cunanan] asked her grandfather what foods gave him the fondest memories, and made sure to make them whenever she visited the Philippines. Many flavors are connected to her grandfather’s favorite food stories, making Cheeri Cheeri Ice Cream a personal memoir to her grandfather and family, she said.

Although many flavors are influenced by the Philippines, the company’s name was its first movement toward representing Cunanan’s background. Many Filipino names include repetition, so “Cheeri Cheeri” served as an adaptation of such a tradition, she said.

“I always hope that (the names) would provide some insight to how family values are in the Philippines,” Cunanan said. “It doesn’t just stop at ‘I’m eating ice cream,’ it’s ‘I’m partaking in the Filipino culture.’”



Ice Cream Entrepreneur On Embracing Her Filipino Roots